Box Braid & Plait Hair Extensions in a Jet - Black Color for a Classic AppearanceSensationnel Synthetic African Collection Braids – 3X X-Pression 84"

Color 1 - Jet Black
These extra long braids qualify for a big "wow!" You will love the look you get from the Sensationnel African Collection Braids – 3X X-Pression 84". These are made from 100 percent Kanekalon Fiber, so you know it is heat safe and flame resistant. Hot water set. Tangle-Free & Shed-Free. They come in a choice of two dark colors. Want your nails done too? Check the Black Hairspray Beauty department for a great selection of manicure and pedicure tools and lots of great polishes.

* Hot Water Set

* Length: 84"

* Weight: 480g